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Nate Johnston


Nate Johnston



I want to pray over those who feel spiritually blind right now. 

Those who have crossed over into 2024 just feeling lost and still battling the swirl and confusion that has been following them for some time now. 

I know many of you have been thinking “Nothing has changed for me. My circumstances still look impossible” 

But the greatest problem is that you just DON’T KNOW WHERE YOU ARE HEADED. 

It’s felt like the unknown season you were in has now turned into a wilderness fortress and you have lost hope that you’ll ever leave that place. 

Temporary displacement and pause somehow has felt like your permanent campsite. 

The season of “process and preparation” now feels like a nightmare merry-go-round and you want to get off!

I have felt it in the spirit - you have been frustrated and agitated with hope filled promises of entering the promise, because in your mind that just doesn’t seem like it’s going it happen. 

Am I right? 

I’ll say what few are saying - you are done hearing prophetic news headlines that don’t seem to be taking place for you. 

“Did I fail? Did I do something wrong?” 

No, you have an enemy that wants you frustrated and mad at God. 

“Am I invisible to God? Has He abandoned me?”

No, you have an adversary that wants to keep isolated so he can make you bitter.

“Did I not fight and hold onto my promises long enough?” 

No, you have been battling the spirit of delay and hope deferred that wants you to eventually give up on this tug of war. 


I had a dream in early January where I was flying a small passenger plane over the ocean when a storm arose and sucked me into its core and spun me around. 

I thought I was going to crash but instead I seemed to be suspended within the storm. I was safe but stuck, unable to get out of the swirl of it. I remember feeling frustrated that no matter what I did I couldn’t get out of it to see ahead. 

When I woke up I knew this wasn’t a dream about me but for many who were right now stuck in that swirl. The words that came to me were “Flying blind” and “mid-flight crisis”

I felt that many were feeling spiritually blind, either just in direction, purpose, or on a deeper level where they felt spiritually disconnected, discouraged, and disillusioned. 

Many believers are right now in “mid-flight crisis” where their faith is at an all time low and they are questioning their beliefs, promises, and path behind them. 

“Did God really say…?”

Let me say this. I know the road has been hard and nothing makes sense. I know the road has been long and you have held on beyond the realm of hope. 

But, the battle for your destiny has never been greater than this moment. 

You feel like this because the enemy wants you to not only give up, but to abandon the ship of faith. 

He isn’t just after your purpose, but your very connection to God. 

He wants you to doubt God and choose the life you can provide yourself in your own strength. 

The battle is real and if you are honest about it you can attest to this wrestle. 

It’s the tension of extremes. Extreme conviction to fight, and extreme hopelessness and doubt. 

As I was praying that morning I began to see a spiritual entity that I want to break off you right now. It’s the spirit of double-mindedness that is keeping you in that tension. 

“He is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways” James 1:8

1. I rebuke that spirit of double mindedness that is keeping you stuck in a cycle of hopelessness and defeat in Jesus name! I pray for your mind to be clear and your heart able to discern truth in the swirl 

2. I break off extreme hope-deferred that has placed a callous around your heart in Jesus name. Lord bring the trees of life! 


That whole day after that dream I was in intercession all day long prying for people who felt this way but sensing this;

This was not the season they were seeing that it was. 

It’s the midnight before the sudden sunrise. 

It’s the dark night before the dawn. 

The battle of battles before the breaking of a new day. 

“Lord show them the clearing!” I kept praying. 

Then the Lord spoke “This is not a season of blindness but of renewed SIGHT”

“This is not a stalemate but a season of clear and directed steps”

“This is not a season of spiritual impairment but of greater sensitivity to my plans”

“This is not a season of being stuck but of movement and breaking new ground”

“This is a season of taking to the skies and air supremacy!”

Then it hit me… the dream I had I was seeing incorrectly. I was focused on the swirl. In the storm, but I didn’t recognize the PLACEMENT.

God has taken us higher in this season to a new level and posture of reigning but we have been SIDESWIPED BY THE CONDITIONS!

What if we are adjusting to a new altitude and been given the role of clearing the skies and breaking through the assignments of witchcraft and fog we have been dealing with endlessly. 

What if we were simply learning to ASCEND & come up higher? 

The next night I woke up at exactly 2:28am and couldn’t go back to sleep feeling like I was feeling the same intercession overtake me. Then these 2:28 scriptures came to me;

“And afterward,  I will pour out my Spirit on all people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy,  your old men will dream dreams,  your young men will see visions” Joel 2:28

“but there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries. He has shown King Nebuchadnezzar what will happen in days to come. Your dream and the visions that passed through your mind as you were lying in bed are these” Daniel 2:28

“You have made known to me the paths of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence” Acts 2:28

I feel the fire of the Holy Ghost all over me as I write these words - THIS IS NOT YOUR FLYING BLIND SEASON BUT YOUR FLYING HIGH SEASON!

This is your RAW before your ROAR.

This is your SORE before your SOAR. 

You are coming out of the clouds right now in Jesus name. 

Whatever swirl you have been battling is no match for Gods sovereign plan for your life. 

Let me pray this simple prayer over you;









Sow a seed

RELATED prophetic WORDS:

RELATED prophetic WORDS:

By Nate Johnston 12 Jun, 2024
Remnant, You are in a Holy Spirit detour right now. You aren’t off course and haven’t missed your target. It’s not what you were expecting, but it’s not stagnation like it feels - it’s just the Lord pulling you into a moment of stillness and sudden hiddenness for what is about to take place. It’s the call to build a new foundation internally and the call to build the new foundation of a new era. Its both. Can you feel it? That is why you have felt lost, because you didn’t expect you would be dealing with the heart stuff. Your affections have changed. Your priorities have suddenly shifted. Yes, He is doing a new thing INSIDE you as He builds AROUND you. They are connected. A NEW RHYTHM Right now you are learning a different rhythm. You are being untangled and untethered from so many strings and ropes trying to keep you held tightly to their expectations and busy-ness. But the Lord is setting you free from all of them and leading you away from the exhaustion of the ministry golden calf and its subtle robbery. You see, the ministry machine doesn’t think of families, soul-health, or longevity, but devours anything it is given. And many have been consumed and spat out when they have nothing more to give. It’s left a trail of burn out and many who right now who are depleted but fighting the enemies agenda to take them out completely. It’s been 6 months of facing some difficult consequences and cleaning up the messes of years of being spread thin. So don’t run from it, and don’t fear it, because it’s your deliverance and your new beginning. On the other side is a fresh wind and a joy you didn’t even know could exist. On the other side is a wonder and a new adventure with the Lord that will make you come alive where religion shut you down and hedged you in. Let God redefine your mission, recalibrate your heart, and place His easy yoke upon you. Lean’s about to get good again. BE REPLENISHED “Then the word of the Lord came to Elijah: “Leave here, turn eastward and hide in the Kerith Ravine, east of the Jordan. You will drink from the brook, and I have directed the ravens to supply you with food there.” “So he did what the Lord had told him. He went to the Kerith Ravine, east of the Jordan, and stayed there. The ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning and bread and meat in the evening, and he drank from the brook” - 1 Kings 17:2-6 Just as God led Elijah away to be replenished, right now God is pulling many away to be fed with fresh manna and revived again. This will be where you are healed from your long road of opposition and slander. This is where the weight you are carrying is removed once and for all. This is where the heavy yokes break. This is where God brings you back to your factory settings and gives you a new passion and zeal for HIS kingdom. This will be where you are rebranded so you can build the pure thing He has given you with nothing added. MOVEMENTS BIRTHED IN SECRET But this is not the way you expected it to come. You thought you would be building something in public but the Lord has led you away to birth this one because of its significance. The most impacting movements of 2025-2030 are right now being built quietly behind the scenes by a people on their faces before the lord. They aren’t in a boardroom with a group of entrepreneurs and strategists, but a small few who have given their lives to prayer and to restoring the fallen altar. They don’t have conference headlines in their sights or boosting social media followings. They aren’t interested in joining the latest hip apostolic network or getting the affirmation of Apollos. They have died to the machine and have zero desire and affection for the old regime. Right now they are in the last trimester and have gone underground to finish what God started long ago, and so to do so have separated themselves in the most crucial stage. In fact, they aren’t even trying to birth a movement, but are in a deep personal reset and purge from the last season of battle. But out of the ashes and pain of the old wineskin is emerging what is pure and not manufactured by man. It won’t look like anything else. It won’t have the hype. It won’t have the razz and marketing charisma of a movement. They will just be honest and pure expressions of the kingdom that come out of environments where people have valued the KING more than launching a brand. So to those carrying movements and feel this tension; This won’t be built by your hands, but God birthing through you. This is why you have felt the pull-back from the hustle for years now. This is why you have left so many tables. This is why your circle has gotten smaller and God has reduced your alignments. This is why your desire for the current model and ministry aspirations have died. This is why you have been set apart relationally yet again. This is why you are going through the deepest reset of your life. There is something that you are carrying that God is protective over and He is ensuring that THIS TIME it is not aborted!
By Nate Johnston 30 May, 2024
Recently, while writing for my new book on spiritual intelligence, the Lord began to speak to me about feelers. And He said to me, "My feelers are coming into a whole new way of operating and a refresh because the enemy has bombarded them for many years now, and it's CRASHED their systems." That was the term he used: "crashed their systems." In computing, a crash or a system crash occurs when a program, such as a software application or an operating system, stops functioning properly and exits. There are many reasons this happens, but these are some of the reasons that stood out to me; 1. It’s not properly plugged into the power(Disconnected from the power of the Holy Spirit) 2. Overheating (Spiritual burnout) 3. Using new software with old hardware (You haven't allowed your mind/heart to catch up and heal from past seasons) 4. Mal-ware and viruses (External contamination of the enemy/flies in the ointment) When I think of a crashed system, I think of a device that has been overloaded to the point of breaking and then crashes. I think the Lord gave me that exact phrase to illustrate what has happened to the feelers in this last season. The enemy here has amped up the noise against the body of Christ, and it has effectively crashed the delicate systems of the feelers that are created and wired by God to be sensitive to what is happening in all realms of the earth. That is their role. They are like the spiritual antenna of the body of Christ that pick up on the plans of the enemy and the plans of heaven, and are called to release the strategies to intercept them and to release the kingdom of God in the earth. But what happens when feelers crash? What happens when we lose our warriors who are called to be on the front lines as our intel operatives in battle? It means we are no longer able to see or to pick up on the plans of the enemy in the way we once did, and it means that a whole battalion of prophetic snipers are no longer engaged in the fight. So what happens exactly when a feelers system crashes? They fall into a state of internal failure, condemnation, and then often even compromise. At the very least, they put down their antennae, pull the blankets over their heads, and disengage. These highly sensitive people are called by God to perceive and pick up on the activity of the spiritual realm, then fall into complete disrepair mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. For the last four years, I've sensed that the feelers have been under attack. The intercessors, the watchmen, the prophetic discerners—those who've been called to guard the body of Christ, raise the alarm, and sound the trumpet—have been taken out. Culture has chased them down. Progressive Christianity has called them judgemental and religious, yet they're just wired for a unique purpose. So as I've been writing this book, I felt the Lord say to intercede, speak into them, encourage them, call them out of that place of obscurity and call them into a brand new day and into an updated operating system. Yes feelers, the Lord is updating and refreshing your internal wiring in this hour and resurrecting you in your true purpose and back to your original settings. That's right, the Holy Spirit is refurbishing you deeply right now. Psalms 103:5 says; "who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's" Psalms 103:5 So, if you're a feeler out there, I feel to release this prophetic decree over you today; No, it is not over. You've been through a rough season of continual warfare and bombardment on every side. You've been through a season where the noise has increased to a level that has crashed your system and you've begun to run from your calling. You've been in a season where it's felt like you've been so soul-sick. You've been bombarded on every single side until you've fallen into complete despair. But the Lord says over you today that you are coming into a fresh wind. You are coming into a fresh hour, for even right now, the Lord says I am lifting the burden off your shoulders; even right now, I am resetting your emotions. I'm resetting your mind. I'm resetting your spiritual DNA and makeup, and I'm bringing you back into realignment with my purposes and plans says the Lord. For you've not even seen your greatest days. Your greatest days are yet to come, and you are now stepping into them. For where the enemy sought to take you out, where the enemy sought to tell you that your best days were over and that you would never see the finished vision of what I gave you many years ago - Now you are going to step into the finalization of those dreams that I gave you many years ago. And what the enemy meant for harm Now the Lord says, I'm gonna turn for good, for I'm about to bring you into a place of great effectivity for my kingdom. And you will rise up in the power of the spirit and lead many others who've been crashed back into their best days with a fresh wind, says the Lord. For even now, I'm putting my spirit upon you in a greater measure. Even right now, I'm beginning to restore the years that locus has eaten. And you will come back into the joy and the laughter that actually is the fuel for this anointing upon your life that would see through the smoke screens of the enemy, and that would expose the plans of the enemy and release my voice and his strategy into the earth. Yes, you will foil the plans of the kingdom of darkness, for this is your design and your purpose. So today, this is your clarion call that you are coming out of your sick bed, and you're going to find your purpose again and function again. So look for the fresh vision I am going to give you. Look for the dreams. The Lord says I am also going to rewire your brain where synapses have crashed and where trauma has created mental blockages that have overtaken your mind. The Lord says I'm going to restore you. I'm going to restore that which has crashed. I'm right now refreshing and resetting your emotions, your mind, and your heart so you will stand back up on your feet and return to your post. 
By Nate Johnston 12 Jun, 2024
Remnant, You are in a Holy Spirit detour right now. You aren’t off course and haven’t missed your target. It’s not what you were expecting, but it’s not stagnation like it feels - it’s just the Lord pulling you into a moment of stillness and sudden hiddenness for what is about to take place. It’s the call to build a new foundation internally and the call to build the new foundation of a new era. Its both. Can you feel it? That is why you have felt lost, because you didn’t expect you would be dealing with the heart stuff. Your affections have changed. Your priorities have suddenly shifted. Yes, He is doing a new thing INSIDE you as He builds AROUND you. They are connected. A NEW RHYTHM Right now you are learning a different rhythm. You are being untangled and untethered from so many strings and ropes trying to keep you held tightly to their expectations and busy-ness. But the Lord is setting you free from all of them and leading you away from the exhaustion of the ministry golden calf and its subtle robbery. You see, the ministry machine doesn’t think of families, soul-health, or longevity, but devours anything it is given. And many have been consumed and spat out when they have nothing more to give. It’s left a trail of burn out and many who right now who are depleted but fighting the enemies agenda to take them out completely. It’s been 6 months of facing some difficult consequences and cleaning up the messes of years of being spread thin. So don’t run from it, and don’t fear it, because it’s your deliverance and your new beginning. On the other side is a fresh wind and a joy you didn’t even know could exist. On the other side is a wonder and a new adventure with the Lord that will make you come alive where religion shut you down and hedged you in. Let God redefine your mission, recalibrate your heart, and place His easy yoke upon you. Lean’s about to get good again. BE REPLENISHED “Then the word of the Lord came to Elijah: “Leave here, turn eastward and hide in the Kerith Ravine, east of the Jordan. You will drink from the brook, and I have directed the ravens to supply you with food there.” “So he did what the Lord had told him. He went to the Kerith Ravine, east of the Jordan, and stayed there. The ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning and bread and meat in the evening, and he drank from the brook” - 1 Kings 17:2-6 Just as God led Elijah away to be replenished, right now God is pulling many away to be fed with fresh manna and revived again. This will be where you are healed from your long road of opposition and slander. This is where the weight you are carrying is removed once and for all. This is where the heavy yokes break. This is where God brings you back to your factory settings and gives you a new passion and zeal for HIS kingdom. This will be where you are rebranded so you can build the pure thing He has given you with nothing added. MOVEMENTS BIRTHED IN SECRET But this is not the way you expected it to come. You thought you would be building something in public but the Lord has led you away to birth this one because of its significance. The most impacting movements of 2025-2030 are right now being built quietly behind the scenes by a people on their faces before the lord. They aren’t in a boardroom with a group of entrepreneurs and strategists, but a small few who have given their lives to prayer and to restoring the fallen altar. They don’t have conference headlines in their sights or boosting social media followings. They aren’t interested in joining the latest hip apostolic network or getting the affirmation of Apollos. They have died to the machine and have zero desire and affection for the old regime. Right now they are in the last trimester and have gone underground to finish what God started long ago, and so to do so have separated themselves in the most crucial stage. In fact, they aren’t even trying to birth a movement, but are in a deep personal reset and purge from the last season of battle. But out of the ashes and pain of the old wineskin is emerging what is pure and not manufactured by man. It won’t look like anything else. It won’t have the hype. It won’t have the razz and marketing charisma of a movement. They will just be honest and pure expressions of the kingdom that come out of environments where people have valued the KING more than launching a brand. So to those carrying movements and feel this tension; This won’t be built by your hands, but God birthing through you. This is why you have felt the pull-back from the hustle for years now. This is why you have left so many tables. This is why your circle has gotten smaller and God has reduced your alignments. This is why your desire for the current model and ministry aspirations have died. This is why you have been set apart relationally yet again. This is why you are going through the deepest reset of your life. There is something that you are carrying that God is protective over and He is ensuring that THIS TIME it is not aborted!
By Nate Johnston 30 May, 2024
Recently, while writing for my new book on spiritual intelligence, the Lord began to speak to me about feelers. And He said to me, "My feelers are coming into a whole new way of operating and a refresh because the enemy has bombarded them for many years now, and it's CRASHED their systems." That was the term he used: "crashed their systems." In computing, a crash or a system crash occurs when a program, such as a software application or an operating system, stops functioning properly and exits. There are many reasons this happens, but these are some of the reasons that stood out to me; 1. It’s not properly plugged into the power(Disconnected from the power of the Holy Spirit) 2. Overheating (Spiritual burnout) 3. Using new software with old hardware (You haven't allowed your mind/heart to catch up and heal from past seasons) 4. Mal-ware and viruses (External contamination of the enemy/flies in the ointment) When I think of a crashed system, I think of a device that has been overloaded to the point of breaking and then crashes. I think the Lord gave me that exact phrase to illustrate what has happened to the feelers in this last season. The enemy here has amped up the noise against the body of Christ, and it has effectively crashed the delicate systems of the feelers that are created and wired by God to be sensitive to what is happening in all realms of the earth. That is their role. They are like the spiritual antenna of the body of Christ that pick up on the plans of the enemy and the plans of heaven, and are called to release the strategies to intercept them and to release the kingdom of God in the earth. But what happens when feelers crash? What happens when we lose our warriors who are called to be on the front lines as our intel operatives in battle? It means we are no longer able to see or to pick up on the plans of the enemy in the way we once did, and it means that a whole battalion of prophetic snipers are no longer engaged in the fight. So what happens exactly when a feelers system crashes? They fall into a state of internal failure, condemnation, and then often even compromise. At the very least, they put down their antennae, pull the blankets over their heads, and disengage. These highly sensitive people are called by God to perceive and pick up on the activity of the spiritual realm, then fall into complete disrepair mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. For the last four years, I've sensed that the feelers have been under attack. The intercessors, the watchmen, the prophetic discerners—those who've been called to guard the body of Christ, raise the alarm, and sound the trumpet—have been taken out. Culture has chased them down. Progressive Christianity has called them judgemental and religious, yet they're just wired for a unique purpose. So as I've been writing this book, I felt the Lord say to intercede, speak into them, encourage them, call them out of that place of obscurity and call them into a brand new day and into an updated operating system. Yes feelers, the Lord is updating and refreshing your internal wiring in this hour and resurrecting you in your true purpose and back to your original settings. That's right, the Holy Spirit is refurbishing you deeply right now. Psalms 103:5 says; "who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's" Psalms 103:5 So, if you're a feeler out there, I feel to release this prophetic decree over you today; No, it is not over. You've been through a rough season of continual warfare and bombardment on every side. You've been through a season where the noise has increased to a level that has crashed your system and you've begun to run from your calling. You've been in a season where it's felt like you've been so soul-sick. You've been bombarded on every single side until you've fallen into complete despair. But the Lord says over you today that you are coming into a fresh wind. You are coming into a fresh hour, for even right now, the Lord says I am lifting the burden off your shoulders; even right now, I am resetting your emotions. I'm resetting your mind. I'm resetting your spiritual DNA and makeup, and I'm bringing you back into realignment with my purposes and plans says the Lord. For you've not even seen your greatest days. Your greatest days are yet to come, and you are now stepping into them. For where the enemy sought to take you out, where the enemy sought to tell you that your best days were over and that you would never see the finished vision of what I gave you many years ago - Now you are going to step into the finalization of those dreams that I gave you many years ago. And what the enemy meant for harm Now the Lord says, I'm gonna turn for good, for I'm about to bring you into a place of great effectivity for my kingdom. And you will rise up in the power of the spirit and lead many others who've been crashed back into their best days with a fresh wind, says the Lord. For even now, I'm putting my spirit upon you in a greater measure. Even right now, I'm beginning to restore the years that locus has eaten. And you will come back into the joy and the laughter that actually is the fuel for this anointing upon your life that would see through the smoke screens of the enemy, and that would expose the plans of the enemy and release my voice and his strategy into the earth. Yes, you will foil the plans of the kingdom of darkness, for this is your design and your purpose. So today, this is your clarion call that you are coming out of your sick bed, and you're going to find your purpose again and function again. So look for the fresh vision I am going to give you. Look for the dreams. The Lord says I am also going to rewire your brain where synapses have crashed and where trauma has created mental blockages that have overtaken your mind. The Lord says I'm going to restore you. I'm going to restore that which has crashed. I'm right now refreshing and resetting your emotions, your mind, and your heart so you will stand back up on your feet and return to your post. 
By Nate Johnston 28 May, 2024
In the month of April, there was a territorial struggle that began as the body of Christ in the pressure of the cocoon began to be awoken to the sound of their new roar that had been developed in the pressure of adversity. Many who had been for years silenced by endless onslaughts, setbacks, delays, and witchcraft were suddenly starting to emerge from their caves and join the frontlines, raising their voices as a force to be reckoned with. Suddenly songs begin to resound from isolation, the raw cry of David’s around the earth started to respond to both of injustice of the hour we are in but also in response to the governmental upgrade and mantle change that has been taking place. We didn’t take it lying down. We fought back, we adapted, we rose up. We allowed the Holy Spirit to stoke our fires and do the deep heart reset we needed, cutting away the busy we had grown accustomed to that smothered our passion, and exchange it for the fiery gaze of lovers simply fixed on the face of our King. We have all seen and felt the growing pains, the uncomfortable moments of having to reevaluate, and accommodate what God was doing and saying, as well as navigate extreme polarity in views in the body and different messages and interpretations of the hour. This didn’t discourage me, in fact, I have never been more encouraged and excited because amongst the mess and mire has been a bride rising to her feet, not a defeated, broken down, disabled bride, but a victorious, not-to-be-messed-with warrior bride. With all this in mind, I want to share two encounters that have shifted my trajectory dramatically.. and what I believe is the current process many of God's varying voices are currently in and have been facing. I’m speaking foremost to the prophetic voices, known and unknown, with a platform or not, and the whole body of Christ as well who are burning with a new message in this hour. THE MUZZLE AT THE DAWN OF A NEW DAY Recently we arrived in San Francisco to stay the night before flying to the east coast to record a few tv segments for Christy’s upcoming book on intercessory prayer. While we were covered in prayer by faithful intercessory friends we felt an unusual level of warfare against the trip. We had unusual issues with flights, accommodation, transport, and then Christy became very unwell on the plane and we had to cancel the events. We felt very unjustified and frustrated that it seemed like there was roadblock after roadblock to getting her message out. Have you felt like that recently? Since you started raising your newfound voice in the last few months you may have found yourself suddenly facing an opposition, unlike anything you have ever experienced before. Maybe you have been thinking “I didn’t press through and leave the cave just to end up back there again!” “What‘s going on?” Without being dramatic it’s felt like an assassination attempt not just on your voice but on your purpose! It’s like the enemy has heard the sound of your roar and has thrown all his arsenal at you to shut it down before you clue on to its power and potency. In 1 Kings 19 after Elijah had called down fire upon the altar and killed the prophets of Baal, he heard the words of Jezebel seeking to take his life and so he ran in fear - the same Elijah who just fearlessly defied the false gods in the land and saw God show up supernaturally! What happened? The Jezebel spirit caused Elijah to run in fear and even want to die. “ Elijah was afraid and ran for his life. When he came to Beersheba in Judah, he left his servant there, while he himself went a day’s journey into the wilderness. He came to a broom bush, sat down under it and prayed that he might die. “I have had enough, Lord,” he said. “Take my life; I am no better than my ancestors.” 1 Kings 19:3-4 Have you been feeling that same assignment coming against you? The silencing muzzle that causes you to want to shut down your voice and hide in the wilderness again? That assignment that causes you to want to give up your calling, destiny, and call it quits? Have you experienced irrational fear, foreboding, anxiety, in mental warfare? This is nothing more than this assignment coming against your voice because you are coming into its RIPENING. WITCHCRAFT & HIRED GUNS The other way the enemy has sought to shut down your voice in this season that God is increasing it is by assailing you with witchcraft and chatter. This is what I like to call "Jezebels hired guns" because the main purpose is still to shut down your voice but the Jezebel spirit will employ witchcraft prayers and chatter to come at you from all angles till you throw in the towel. Any time you are coming into something new it’s not unusual to suddenly sense that there are things swirling in the atmosphere around you. The enemy will find whomever he can to speak against you, judge you, and even prophesy things against you that didn’t originate in God's heart. Often the fruits of undealt with assignments of witchcraft are; wanting to give up, deep discouragement, complete defeat, scattered mind(unable to get revelation the way you normally would), writers or revelatory creative block, mental torment, and even physical symptoms too. In this season discernment has been going through the roof as God is done with the immaturity of witchcraft in the body of Christ. He is exposing sources of sabotage and hidden plots and slander that keeps trying to take people down a few notches. Have your dreams been revealing this? Just remember your best defense is to break off and cancel their words, bless them, then move on. You don’t need to hang out in this zone forever or make a full-time job out of knowing who is against you. BREAK IT, MOVE ON. PUT DOWN YOUR WHITE FLAG That night Christy was unwell I walked up and down the hallway of the hotel praying at 3 am and half-jokingly I said “Lord I want to wave my white flag here!” then I stopped at the view of the bay through the window and suddenly felt a strong familiar presence I had felt once before. I knew it was the two angels I had seen almost three months ago in the same vicinity. The angels I saw had the words Isaiah 45 engraved on them in the spirit. These were BREAKTHROUGH angels, but more importantly they were governmental angels sent to bring breakthrough for cities and regions and dethrone principalities. “Cyrus, whose right hand I have grasped as my servant to conquer nations and dethrone their kings. For I will open doors before himand no fortified gate will remain closed. I will march out in front of you and level every obstacle. I will shatter to pieces bronze doorsand slice through iron bars” - Isaiah 45:1-2 At that moment the presence of God hit me so powerfully and the Lord spoke to my spirit “Do you see what is at stake in this hour? This is a governmental era that I am raising up voices who will be breakers over cities, regions, and nations. This is not a time to wave your white flag but it’s a time to CAPTURE the flag! Nate remember this night because I am calling you and the body of Christ higher out of defense and into the offense. Look out the window and what do you see? I have given you a rod to rule nations and to release my kingdom upon the earth” So many have been hit with an exhaustive defeat because the stakes are higher and the opposition more relentless. Maybe you have felt the intensity of the time we will live in and have had many moments recently of wanting to wave your white flag in the air and be done, but God is not raising you up and launching right now for you to simply be a weak whisper or an echo, but to be a mighty roar of JUSTICE over the land. You might be thinking, “But what do I have that the enemy is so threatened by?” The answer is EVERYTHING because just as Jesus is in this world SO ARE YOU! So put down your white flag, shake off the defeat and set your sights on the new territory that is before you, in fact this month you are going to not only take back the ground you lost but you are going to RECOVER all and ADVANCE in Jesus name! FINDING THE NEW FREQUENCY The following night was the encounter with the Lord that has marked me so deeply. Shortly after falling asleep, I woke up sensing I needed to pray. I walked up and down the house praying much like I did the night before in the hotel but this time I didn’t sense angels and I didn’t hear the Lord speak so after a while I fell back asleep. Suddenly I woke up to the most violent earthquake I have ever felt which lasted maybe 2 seconds. My first reaction was to check on Christy and the girls and see if they were ok and they were. Then I walked around the house to make sure nothing had fallen over or had broken but nothing had. I was confused so I looked online to see if there had been an earthquake but there hadn’t been. What I experienced was spiritual, so I said "Lord what are you trying to tell me?" Instantly the verses from 1 Kings 19:11-13 came to mind; “The Lord said, “Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by.” Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper.When Elijah heard it, he pulled his cloak over his face and went out and stood at the mouth of the cave” As I read the passage the Lord spoke so loudly into my spirit. “I’m not in the earthquake Nate, I’m in the whisper. Will you attune your ears to my whispers? Will you shut out the noise of everything else for my voice? For I am right now putting new coals on the tongues of my people who will let go and be emptied to pick up the fresh words and messages I have for them to speak” I felt so raw sitting there as His voice refreshed me and uncluttered me. We are in a time where the world wants us to pay attention to the wind, the fires, and earthquakes but God wants us to simply listen to the sound of His voice, his heartbeat, his mysteries, and the new frequency of His voice. It means laying down how we have heard Him in the past that maybe isn’t working and getting low to hear His whispers. As we attune our ears to his frequency we will get out of tune with the frequency of fear that keeps causing us to run and hide. THE REDEFINITION OF THE PROPHETIC VOICE What this spoke to me; We are coming out of the bullied, victim mentality we have known and into an era of victorious warfare. We can’t operate the way we have been - reactionary to the enemy and his opposition. God has mantled us with authority like a general and generals don’t react, they fore-plan, foresee, and look through the smokescreen and preempt what the enemy does. We are living in a HOLY MOMENT.. a holiness moment. An hour of being set-apart and consecrated again. The body of Christ and prophetic movement is in an unusual tension of both ripening and resetting and they are going hand in hand. We are having to let go of many things we have known, ways, and methods we have operated in to pick up what He is giving us to wield. We are in an hour of redefinition and refining personally and corporately for the sole purpose of us stepping into this era of greater impact. We are being invited into the tuning of our ears to His heart so we will be able to properly receive what He speaks in this new era. We can no longer play at the shallow end of the pool. The nations are experiencing injustices that you and I are called to be a voice for - our mantles aren’t for show and tell but to raid the gates of hell. We are moving out of the fear of man and into the fear of the Lord and into the conviction to speak the heart of God no matter the cost. We are moving into an era of power and authority where we will see public displays of the power of God through the lives of people yielded to his voice. We as the church are coming out of the wilderness years of being silenced, without influence or impact, and into our era of being the ROAR of the Lord on planet earth!
By Nate Johnston 24 May, 2024
I have a word for the nation of Australia, but I also speak prophetically about what many are experiencing personally. For this purpose, I have split this word into two parts to ensure the two are distinct. You can find the second word here at: The night after we flew into Australia, I had a dream. In the dream, I saw two towers in the middle of the Outback of Australia, towering through the clouds, when suddenly they came crashing down, one after the other. Then, I was taken into another scene. In the place where the towers were, people were weeping at the site—then I heard "ground zero." This felt the same as the ground zero site in New York City, and like the physical site, I saw masses gathering around the destruction and weeping and travailing over the fall of these towers. But then I yelled out, "The days of weeping are over, Australia. The time of mourning has come to an end. For now, out of the ashes shall come the great end-time move of God that was prophesied!" Australia, you have been in a great shaking, and the towers of man's movements have come crashing down. The days of empires have come to an end, and the era of the ecclesia has come. When I woke up, I began thinking about how this could represent actual empires or movements that had crashed and fallen, but then two words came into my spirit—religion and apathy. The two towers that are falling are the towers of religion and apathy. Two demonic assignments that have been given a high place in our nation. Religion, to enslave us and make us feel that we are doing the Lord's work when it's the taming of the wild horses called to be a spearhead in the nations. And apathy, so we don't rise up in the power and awakening of the spirit, and so the nation called to be a breaker and forerunner of revival stays in slumber. In the last four years, I have seen Australians battle these principalities, but the towers are falling. THE FALL OF THE EMPIRE ERA IN AUSTRALIA Yes, the Lord is raising up the warrior bride in this nation in a time of holy war. The family is coming back. The institution has lost its hold over Australia. Self-seeking empires no longer hold a monopoly or sway over the nation. "For in this hour, I am leading my church back to her roots, says the Lord." "I am waking Lazarus up, and he is taking off the grave clothes of an era of oppression and spiritual death." Australia, the enemy, tried to make you a laughing stock in the nations. Muzzling you, shutting you up in your homes, enforcing the most legalistic laws upon you, and bringing the Church into subjugation. The enemy tried to send you into a coma. But I prophesy that Your hibernation is over! The days of only barely surviving are over. For you have said, "We are Aussie battlers, and when times get tough, we know how to hunker down, but your days of hiding and surviving are over. The Aussie battler mindset is breaking, and you are becoming the Aussie warriors that I called you to be, says the Lord. It's time to wake up from your sleep, Lazarus. It's time to shake off the death sentence the enemy gave you, your health, your marriage, and your calling. You must leave the pews of environments that have kept you asleep at a time when you are meant to come alive. YOU ARE IN A GROUND ZERO MOMENT Many Australians feel that we are at ground zero as a nation and personally. The Lord showed us the depths of pain, anguish, and loss many have been carrying. We have felt the depths of loss and grief surrounding people. Loss of loved ones. Financial ruin. Bad reports over health. Marriages in crisis. Prodigal children, and death to many destinies and callings. You are indeed at a ground zero moment, but I feel like I have a booming message in my spirit—Australia, you have never been more riper than you are now. People have their eyes fixed on America, but Australia is the secret weapon the enemy and other nations were not expecting. Convict nation. Easily controlled. Followers. The enemy has said. Wild and free. Potent. Pioneers. The tip of the spear. Underestimated. The apple of my eye. My David company, The Lord says. You have been knocked down many times, but you keep getting back up again. This season marks the dawning of a new day and a new beginning. Do not grieve that you are at ground zero because this is where the Lord rebuilds you just as he rebuilds this nation. Your seed has fallen to the ground and died. Your promises have fallen to the ground. And now you are left feeling soul sick and hopeless, but now says the Lord, I will TURN this nation around and turn your life around. For in the place of death and destruction shall come the greatest breakthrough season and outpouring. THE BATTLE OF "BRANDS" DAYS ARE OVER Australia, The days of battling each other and building your own kingdoms are over. The days of being a collective voice - many different parts as one are here. It's the wild horses running together as one, not separately, where we are open to error, attack, and the narcissistic kingdom approach. We can't do franchise Christianity anymore. We can't do Saul's ways of kingdom where covering is elevated over covenant, all the while killing our own. Pyramid scheme church is not the building method of the future. As I was praying recently, I saw ACC turn into ACTS. The Lord is saying to the ACC-movement that a fresh wind is here if you will receive it. Will you choose my spirit over church-building methods? Will you lay down your plans like Samuel again for what I want to give you? For if you do, you will become the Church of acts again and lead my Church forward. Will you Transition into the new or stay stuck in the old? REVIVAL IS KINDLING For many have said, "Australia, you are asleep. You aren't ready for revival. But there have been a remnant who have been filling up their lamps with oil and have contended. They have not relented or fallen asleep but are waiting for their moment. People have said Australia is dry, but all the dry wood needs is a spark, and it becomes a wildfire. And I see wildfires sweeping this nation—homes of gatherings where the topic of Jesus and the most broken are invited to the table. Yes, true revival is kindling even in the midst of so much headache and brokenness. I'll say it again - Australia you are more ready than you know. THERE IS A NEW WAVE HITTING THE SHORES Look, do you see it? In the midst of the greatest season of shaking, there is a new wave approaching the shores of Australia. You felt like you missed the last one. But this one, you won't. This is the wave of the fresh move of the spirit that is coming to usher in the greater glory season. Church, as usual, won't be possible ever again. Leaders will have to choose between old manna and the humility and surrender that invites His glory. THE DEATH OF THE TALL POPPY SPIRIT Australia, this is a season in which I am rebranding you both personally and as a nation, the Lord says. For too many decades, you have had to battle the tall poppy spirit that has sought to cut you down and enlisted you to cut down your brothers and sisters, but those days are over. For now, I am going to end that assignment once and for all by raising a generation of mothers and fathers who will break the orphan spirit that has kept this land bound. Aussies, it's time to REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE! Other believers are not your enemy. You can stir up so much strife and witchcraft against each other through minor disagreements of methods or territorial mindsets that you can be pulled away from doing real kingdom. Battling each other is not doing kingdom. It's an orphan spirit. You can't keep getting swept up into a leviathan agenda that twists words against each other and Brings a brassed heaven in your city. Do you want revival? Bless each other. Pour into each other. PROPHETS - THIS IS NOT YOUR NAZARETH When we left Australia years ago, I said to the Lord, Australia is my Nazareth; it has chewed me up and spat me out. Then I said, "When will true apostles and prophets be welcome in their homeland? And the Lord said to me, "When their ships of religion run aground, they will no longer reject my prophets, but they will seek them out." So the prophets had been in hiding here, silenced here, or taken their voices overseas. But recently I had a dream where I saw an American Eagle and an Australian Eagle together. And the Lord said to me, "Your days of speaking just to America are over. I am raising an Eagle company in Australia because the ship has RUN AGROUND." The next day, Therese Engle gave me a painting of two eagles, one of which was given to her by a First Nations woman in New Mexico. One was the American bald eagle, and the other was the Australian wedge-tailed eagle. Prophets in the house, you need to rise. War eagles, this is your time. Shake off the muzzle of Jezebel! The Church needs your voice! First Nations voices rise up! And watch as even pharaohs seek you out to interpret the dream that saves a nation from famine. I heard the Lord say OWN IT JOSEPH. STOP APOLOGIZING FOR IT JOSEPH! You keep dumbing down your voice and apologizing for what I give you. But it's time to shake off the fear of man once and for all and be the voice I have called you to be. WILD BRUMBIES I have a word for the wild brumbies... It's time to leave obscurity. Brumbies are the descendants of escaped or lost horses, dating back in some cases to those belonging to the early European settlers. You have escaped a religious environment, been rejected from one, and lost yourself along the way.. But it's now time to join the fight for our nation. Like the light horseman of the battle of Beersheba in 1917, you know there is a call in you to push through the opposition both internally and globally and be the breaker God has called you to be. Just as those 800 lighthorsemen charged over the desert plains that early morning, breaking the defense of the city and taking it back, you have a calling to go before the rest of the Church and take back what has been stolen personally and globally. Take back the wells. You can't be tamed anymore. You can't hide anymore. You can't apologize anymore. When we bumped into Lou in 2018 he told us how Australians go ahead of the pack to clear the way. Australia you are the wild brumbies called to rise up and clear the road preceding this great move of God. Will you rise up, or will you hide? Will you appease the current system or build the new? Will you be silent or be the voice of the one crying in the wilderness? No more compromises. No more selling your birthright for acceptance. You are Jeptha from Judges 11, who was the captain of a band of outcasts who saved a nation. This is your moment. A NEW ANZAC ALLIANCE For in this hour, I am breaking the illegitimate handshakes that have been made by people in power and leadership that I didn't ordain, and I am setting a new alliance of a pure-hearted company that seeks only to build my house, says the Lord. This is the alliance of the new Anzacs - the remnant in our nations coming together as one again. It's time for my wild horses to rise again and the nation of Australia to leave the tomb and be the fresh song and sound that rides the wave of revival and impacts the nations. 
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